Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Fitting Kickstarter launches!

A Fitting's Kickstarter has officially launched! Today is the first day of our campaign and we couldn't be more excited.

A Fitting is a Kinect-based digital art installation that explores the relationship between cultural and personal expectation of body image. Essentially we are using the motion control capabilities of the Kinect to discomfort players physically and the persuasive power of games to mentally coax them into playing more. The game is a satirical piece where the game itself represents societal pressure, and the participating player represents the human will to sacrifice personal comfort for an imagined ideal. The installation has the chance to travel with the Art Works For Change exhibition Off the Beaten Path: Violence, Art and Women. However, we need to raise money for the equipment, shipping and development costs.

We hope that you can help support our project, whether it's pledging a donation or sharing the Kickstarter page with others, we really appreciate any help that you can offer!

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